Theory and practice of history documentary LM – 2023-2024

Teacher: Prof. Prof. Arnaldo Donnini
CFU: 6
Course code: 804002273
Degree: Master’s Degree “Scienze della Storia e del documento”
Course delivery modalities: In-presence
Language: Italian
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of history
Attendance: Optional
Assessment method: Oral exam
Period: 2nd term
Starting day: 7 March 2024
Class hours
Thursday, 5.oo p.m. – 7.00 p.m., P22
Friday, 5.oo p.m. – 7.00 p.m., P22
The course aims to analyze the specificity of documentary languages and to examine the main issues about the use of the repertoire, the pecularity of writing and direct history documentaries and their marketing strategy. The historical development of the documentary will be retraced, from the pioneer era to the latest digital developments. The tools for repertoire searches within the audiovisual archives will also be provided; the peculiarities of the documentary language will be explored and basic elements will be offered for the use of film sources in the teaching of history.
Text books:
1. Alessandro Bignami, Il documentario. Scrivere, realizzare e vedere cinema della realtà nell’era dell’artificio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011
2. Ansano Giannarelli – Silvia Savorelli, Il film documentario. Forme, tecniche e processo produttivo, Roma, Dino Audino Editore, 2007.
3. Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, in “Annale dell’AAMOD”, 16 (i saggi di Sorlin, Casula, De Luna, Roghi, Cortini – il 1°).
4. Flaminia Morandi, Il documentario di Storia in Italia, «Contemporanea», n. 3, 2017, pp. 533-54.
1. Alessandro Bignami, Il documentario. Scrivere, realizzare e vedere cinema della realtà nell’era dell’artificio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011
2. Ansano Giannarelli – Silvia Savorelli, Il film documentario. Forme, tecniche e processo produttivo, Roma, Dino Audino Editore, 2007.
3. Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, in “Annale dell’AAMOD”, 16 (i saggi di Sorlin, Casula, De Luna, Roghi, Cortini – il 1°).
4. Flaminia Morandi, Il documentario di Storia in Italia, «Contemporanea», n. 3, 2017, pp. 533-54.
5. Bill Nichols, Introduzione al documentario, Milano Il Castoro, 2014.
  • M. Bertozzi, Storia del documentario italiano. Immagini e culture dell’altro cinema. Venezia, Marsilio 2008.
  • D. Dottorini (a cura di), Per un cinema del reale. Forme e pratiche del documentario italiano contemporaneo, Udine, Forum Edizioni, 2013.
  • G. Spagnoletti (a cura di), Il reale allo specchio. Il documentario italiano contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2012.
  • J. Breschand, Storia e pratiche del documentario, Torino, Lindau, 2005.
Educational goals and expected learning outcomes:
A) Learning outcomes: Identify the fundamental elements of the audiovisual language and acquire the necessary skills to write and direct history documentaries.
B) Knowledge and understanding: The module aims to illustrate the appropriate tools to be able to write and shoot a documentary, with specific attention to the realization of interviews, researches in film archives and audiovisual archives and script writing.
C) Applying knowledge and understanding: A direct analysis of different document formats will be proposed in order to concretely verify the illustrated theoretical features and to fully grasp their development in audiovisual form.
D) Making judgements: The module aims to provide the ability to understand and interpret the complexity of the audiovisual language. Students will also acquire an understanding of the different phases of making a documentary from conception to distribution.
E) Communication skills: Thanks to written exercises and classroom presentations, students will develop the ability to present the educational content of a documentary correctly and effectively.
F) Learning skills: The module will provide the tools for a critical analysis of filmic and documentary sources, necessary for a specialized study of historical disciplines.
Methods and criteria for verifying the learning:
Teaching methods:
Attendance modalities:
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