Problems and issues of Modern History – 2024-2025

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Teacher: Prof. Marina Formica
CFU: 6
Course code: 804002910
Degree: Master’s Degree “Scienze della Storia e del documento”
Course delivery modalities: In-presence
Language: Italian
Pre-requisites: No prerequisite is required
Attendance: Optional
Assessment method: Oral examination
Period: 2nd term
Starting day: Tuesday, 1st April 2025
Class hours
Tuesday, 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m., Classroom T29
Wednesday, 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m., Classroom T28
Thursday, 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m., Classroom T32
Women’s rights in the modern age

This course will show how in the late eighteenth century in France the momentous issue of women’s rights emerged theoretically and forcefully. It was therized and forced a redrawing of individual women’s identities in hierarchies and social relations, enabling a configuration of different forms of political power and theorizing more egalitarian representations of justice, society and politics.

During the course, some seminars will be devoted to the genesis of democratic culture through seminar work and discussion around the following text:

– O. de Gouges, Dichiarazione dei diritti della donna e della cittadina, Mantova, Oligo, 2023.

Students who can’t or do not wish to take part in the seminar meetings must study these texts on their own and discuss them in the final exam.

Text books:
  1. V. Lavenia – M.Bellabarba, Introduzione alla storia moderna, Bologna, il Mulino, 2023 (chapters XXIII-XXXIX only).
  2. A. Prosperi, Ieri, oggi e domani, Casale Monferrato, Piemme, 2023.
  3. O. de Gouges, Dichiarazione dei diritti della donna e della cittadina, Mantova, Oligo, 2023.
Educational goals and expected learning outcomes:
A) Learning Outcomes: The module aims to go into the history of women in the modern age with a focus on the debate and genesis of women’s rights. It will be important to illustrate the concept of political rights, declined in the feminine and cast them in the social and political contexts of modernity, as well as to equip them with sources and method necessary in this study. A documentary focus will be devoted to Olympe de Gouges.
B) Knowledge and Understanding: to acquire a good knowledge of some main aspects of the history of the 18th century from a broader perspective that does not remain confined to the revolution-reform pair, understanding the specificity of the dialectic between long duration and caesurae.
C) Applying Knowledge and Understanding: To know how to analyze key historical phases marked according to a chronological and thematic narrative.
D) Making Judgements: the student should gain cognizance of the complexity of the relationships between long lasting mentalities and interruptions in the factual gestations of democratic cultures in a critical manner.
E) Communication Skills: Good mastery of historical categories in an articulate discourse that shows the causal links and effected reasons for events.
F) Learning Skills: critical assimilation of historical processes and dynamics of modernity.
Methods and criteria for verifying the learning:
The exam assesses the student’s overall preparation, the ability to combine knowledge about each part of the syllabus, the coherence of argumentation, the analytical ability, and the autonomy of judgment. In addition, the student’s command of language and clarity of presentation are also assessed, in adherence with the Dublin descriptors (1. knowledge and understanding; 2. applying knowledge and experience; 3. making judgments; 4. learning skills; 5: communication skills).
The final grade will be based 70% on the student’s depth of knowledge and 30% on the student’s ability for expression (written and oral) and independent critical thinking.
The exam will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
– Failed: significant deficiencies and inaccuracies in the knowledge and the understanding of the subject matter; poor analytical and synthesizing skills, recurrent generalizations, limited critical and judgmental skills; the arguments are exposed inconsistently and with inappropriate language.
– 18-20: Knowledge and understanding of topics barely adequate, with occasional generalizations and imperfections possible; sufficient capacity for analysis synthesis and autonomy of judgment, the arguments are frequently exposed in an incoherent manner and with inappropriate/non technical language.
– 21-23: Fair knowledge and understanding of the subject; proper analysis and synthesis skills with coherent, logical argumentation, but with language that is often inappropriate/non technical.
– 24-26: Moderate knowledge and understanding of the subjects; good analytical and synthesis skills with arguments expressed rigorously but with language that is not always appropriate/technical.
– 27-29: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subjects; remarkable analytical and synthesis skills. Good autonomy of judgment. Topics expounded rigorously and with appropriate/technical language.
– 30-30L: Excellent level of in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subjects. Excellent skills in analysis, synthesis, and independent judgment. Arguments are expressed in an original way and with appropriate technical language.
Teaching methods:
Lectures, constant use of historical-archival documentation
The lectures will revolve around 4 thematic axes:
A) Debate on the genesis of rights.
B) Debate on women’s rights.
C) Olympe de Gouges.
D) Debate and circulation of O. de Gouges’ writing.
Attendance modalities:
This course is particularly recommended for students who have not taken any other exams in Modern History in the past.
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