History of Christianity LM. Advanced Course – 2023-2024

Course Lecturer: Prof. Tommaso Caliò
E-mail: tommaso.calio@uniroma2.it
CFU: 6
Course Code: 804001973
Degree: Master’s Degree “Scienze della Storia e del documento”
Conduct of classes: In-presence
Language: Italian
Pre-requirements: No pre-requirements
Attendance: Optional
Assessment Method: Oral Exam
Period: 1st term
Beginning of Classes: 14 November 2023
Class hours:
Monday, 11.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m., Aula Mediterraneo
Wednesday, 9.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m., Aula Mediterraneo
Friday, 2.00 p.m.-4.00 p.m., Aula Mediterraneo
The Martyr in Contemporary Italy
The course proposes a survey of the history of Christianity from the Nineteenth to the Twentieth Century. The main subject is the transformations undergone by the figure of the martyr. From the 19th Century on, the martyr is a figure that profoundly contributed to shape Italian mass culture, playing a central role in the nation’s great narrative. Although the Catholic Church continued to play a leading role in the promotion of martyrial hagiography, this narrative pattern ceased to belong exclusively to the religious discourse, to become integrated in the political language, military propaganda and institutional rhetoric.
Text books:
1. D. Menozzi, “Storia della Chiesa”, 4. “L’età contemporanea”, Bologna, EDB, 2019.
2. T. Caliò. Una terra di martiri. Narrazioni agiografiche e industria culturale nell’Italia contemporanea, Roma, Viella, 2022.
1. D. Menozzi, Storia della Chiesa, 4. L’età contemporanea, Bologna, EDB, 2019.
2. T. Caliò. Una terra di martiri. Narrazioni agiografiche e industria culturale nell’Italia contemporanea, Roma, Viella, 2022.
3. L’Italia e i santi. Agiografie, riti e devozioni nella costruzione dell’identità italiana, diretto da T. Caliò e D. Menozzi, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 2017: only the following essays (to be requested from the lecturer):
– S. Levis Sullam, Pro patria mori. Il martirio politico nel Risorgimento;
– J. De Santis, «Garibaldi è un santo!» La costruzione di un’agiografia garibaldina;
– G. Cavagnini, I ‘martiri’ della Grande Guerra;
– G. Schwarz, Martiri della libertà e santi partigiani;
– L. Ceci, Santi contesi. Il controllo delle devozioni tra criminalità organizzata e lotta alla mafia.
During classes, the lecturer will point out a selection of articles and volumes for those who wish to explore the different topics in more depth.
Educational Goals and Expected Learning Outcomes:
A) Learning Outcomes: Depth knowledge of the essentials of the History of Christianity between the 15th and 18th centuries.
B) Knowledge and Understanding: During classes, the student will learn the fundamentals of historical research methodology, with particular reference to the field of historical-religious studies, becoming familiar with a specific vocabulary and conceptual tools peculiar to that discipline.
C) Applying Knowledge and Understanding: The consolidation of the fundamental principles of the historiographical method, verified both in classes and in examinations, will be useful for the student to profitably pursue his or her course of study and then spend his or her skills both in research and teaching and in other professional fields.
D) Making Judgements: The student will be asked, both in classes and in examinations, to develop his or her ability to critically evaluate the topics discussed and the texts analyzed.
E) Communication Skills: In the course of lectures, students will be called upon to actively participate, with the aim of strengthening his or her ability to expound informations, argue his or her positions and exchange views with the lecturer and colleagues; these communication skills will be part of the final assessment in the examination.
F) Learning Skills: The teaching module will provide the tools for understanding the topics covered and the critical study of textbooks.
Description of the methods and criteria for verifying the learning:
Students’ acquired knowledge and critical skills will be tested through an oral examination, which will consist of a 20-30 minutes interview on the topics discussed in the course. The student will be assessed according to his/her ability to present and critically discuss the topics raised, making use of the exam bibliography and the course tools provided. Top marks (28-30L) will be awarded to students displaying: an excellent command of the topic, a critical approach to the material, a confident and effective use of the appropriate terminology. Average marks (25-27) will be awarded to students who are able to summarise the relevant topics, but are not familiar with historiographical and historical debates, nor display a full command of the appropriate terminology. Low marks (18-24) will be awarded to students displaying a patchy knowledge of the relevant topics and do not command the appropriate terminology. A student will be deemed to have failed the exam if he displays significant errors in his understanding and failure to grasp the overall outlines of the subject, together with a poor command of the appropriate terminology.
Description of the Teaching Methods:
Lezioni frontali con l’ausilio di presentazioni PowerPoint; lavoro seminariale di lettura e commento di fonti; discussione collettiva su letture e temi specifici.
Description of the Attendance Modality:
Attendance, which is optional, is strongly recommended.
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