Archival Science LM – 2023-2024

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Teacher: Prof. Alessia Glielmi
CFU: 6
Course code: 8047498
Degree: Master’s Degree “Scienze della Storia e del documento”
Course delivery modalities: In-presence
Language: Italian
Pre-requisites: Basic skil of archives and historical research methodology, basic computer science elements
Attendance: Optional
Assessment method: Oral exam
Period: 2nd term
Starting day: 26 February 2024
Class hours
Tuesday, 3.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m., T31
Thursday, 3.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m., T27
The course will be dedicated basic theoretical knowledge about archives. Students will study the fundamental elements of the discipline and its historical evolution, the relevant legislation, the concept of archive and its different phases of existence. The course will include teaching activities with a technical-operational profile (archival laboratory) on archival and documentary materials aimed at deepening organizational knowledge of the materials also at an IT and digital level. They will consist in the examination of a public or private archival fund (or collection), in the analysis of its hierarchical structure, in the in-depth study of the history of the production context, in the study of the standards of archival description and will be dedicated to the institutional archives of history of science and technology preserved at the National Research Council relating to the identification of documentation not intended for permanent conservation by the same body and the historical documentation relating to the fight against Nazi-fascism during the period of occupation of the Capital, preserved at the Historical Museum of Liberation. Educational visits are planned.
Text books:
1. P. Carucci, Le fonti archivistiche: ordinamento e conservazione, Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 2017 (selezione suggerita dal docente). 2. A. Parisella, Il Museo si racconta, Roma, Gangemi, 2017 (selezione suggerita dal docente).
3. A. Romiti, Archivistica tecnica, Lucca, Civita Editoriale, 2009.
4. A. Romiti, Archivistica generale. Primi elementi, Lucca, Civita Editoriale, 2009.
5. R. Simili, G. Paoloni, Per una storia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Laterza, Bari (selezione suggerita dal docente).Other handouts provided by the teacher during the course.
1. P. Carucci, Le fonti archivistiche: ordinamento e conservazione, Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 2017 (selezione suggerita dal docente). 2. A. Parisella, Il Museo si racconta, Roma, Gangemi, 2017 (selezione suggerita dal docente).
3. A. Romiti, Archivistica tecnica, Lucca, Civita Editoriale, 2009.
4. A. Romiti, Archivistica generale. Primi elementi, Lucca, Civita Editoriale, 2009.
5. R. Simili, G. Paoloni, Per una storia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Laterza, Bari (selezione suggerita dal docente).Non-attending students will agree on some additional essays with the teacher.
  • A. Romiti, Archivistica tecnica. Primi elementi, Lucca, Civita Editoriale, 2009
  • A. Romiti, Archivistica generale. Primi elementi, Lucca, Civita Editoriale, 2009.
  • R. Simili G. Paoloni, Per una storia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Laterza, Bari
  • Gli archivi per la storia della scienza e della tecnica. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Desenzano del Garda, 4-8 giugno 1991), Roma, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, 1995 (
Educational goals and expected learning outcomes:
A) Learning outcomes: The student will acquire knowledge of pubblic and private Archive’s function, in relation to the principles that ensure its correct formation, management and conservation. The opportunity will be offered to consolidate the path through laboratory activities (to be done in person or on a platform depending on availability) to allow students to enhance their skills and experiences and to delve into specific aspects of the archival disciplines.
B) Knowledge and understanding: The course involves the acquisition of in-depth archival knowledge, understanding of archival and documentary theories and techniques, with particular attention to the use of new technologies with respect to the valorisation of sources. The course deals to train on issues relating to the fundamental elements of the discipline and its historical evolution, the reference legislation, the concept of archive and its different phases of existence and the related operating tools. Through the autonomous study of the textbooks and the specific readings suggested by the teacher during the lessons, the students will obtain specialized knowledge regarding the proposed monographic theme.
C) Applying knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to apply the methodologies and techniques applied to the processing of documentation produced by private and public administrations, cultural institutes, archives and documentation centers. This knowledge will allow us to intervene in supporting the activities of: analysis, management, filing, inventory, selection (waste) and valorization of the documentary heritage.
D) Making judgements: Students will develop the ability to understand the complexity of institutional and private archival funds through the application of international description standards linked to the discipline. They will also acquire the ability to plan a general intervention for the analysis of documentation.
E) Communication skills: Students will develop skill. They will discuss each other and with the teacher on useful proposals and solutions regarding the most correct and effective methodologies to apply. Furthermore, the students of the course will achieve the ability to transmit their knowledge correctly, rigorously and effectively, illustrating the work carried out in a day of studies organized at the institutions hosting the laboratories. They will present the results of their work using both traditional written and multimedia communication tools.
F) Learning skills: By lectures and laboratory activities the students will be able to re-elaborate the knowledge, methods and techniques acquired to operate in the archival field and in the creation of accompanying tools.
Methods and criteria for verifying the learning:
he formal moment of verification is however represented by an oral examination. The verification. The examination includes the analysis and illustration of the product of the activities carried out in the laboratory..
Teaching methods:
The lessons will be divided into two parts: theoretical frontal lessons carried out at the University, technical laboratory lessons carried out at partner institutions (Historical Museum of Liberation). The lessons could take place on an online platform according to the provisions due to the national emergency.
Attendance modalities:
Constant frequency of laboratory activities is suggested. Students will be attender if present at least 2/3 of the scheduled lessons.
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